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About us

We have established a  Japanese Language Institute in 2014.  Its purpose is not to provide an opportunity to  simply learn Japanese.  it is to give every one the opportunity to learn Languages in Japan and change their  lives.  We have already enrolled several students in our Language Schools in Japan.   Opportunities are given to you who  read this sentence  to  grab the opportunity depends on your efforts.If you are interested in anything, please contact us.


cmka NdId wOHhkh ;=,ska /lsh wjia:d Wodlr oSuhs wmf.a c;Hka;r cmka NdId uOHia:dkh wrusN lf,a 2014' tys wruqK jqfha cmka NdId wOHhkh muKla fkdj ieufokdgu NdId yodrd cSjs;h irelr .ekSug wdOdr lsrsuhs' cmdkfha NId mdief,a wOHdmkh i|yd oekg;a isiqka n|jd f.k we;' fuh lshjk Tng fus wjia:dj m%fhdackhg .ekSug hqyqiq¿ jS wjia:dj Wod lr .kakd fuka wdrdOdk lrus' tA i|yd Tng leue;a;la we;akus jydu wm wu;kak' 

Name: Nilmini Dissanayake

Affiliation: Sheffield International School

       Sheffield International Language Center

Job title: Chief executive officer


Career:Graduated from Caranya University

    Master's degree in sociology

    at the same university

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